Roo PackardFront Desk, Instructor

    Roo was born and raised in Maine and has always loved the great outdoors. From skiing to climbing to hiking, they love being out in nature. 

    They discovered climbing in 2021 at EVO and never looked back. Roo’s love for climbing has only grown since then. Wanting to learn everything there is to know about climbing, they took to YouTube and under the mentorship of their friend Sara, learned to climb outside. 

    For them, climbing is more than just an individual experience. It’s about the people. Having been welcomed with open arms by the EVO community, they hope to carry on that feeling to new climbers. Roo started regularly attending Rainbow-Up climbing nights and now helps to lead this group. They believe that fostering a welcoming space for both new and experienced LGBTQ+ climbers leads to a more inclusive and flourishing community. 

    Outside of climbing, Roo is a nursing student who loves animals, specifically cats and dogs. They currently has two cats and a dog and loves talking to climbers about their pets. If you see them in the gym, show them a picture of your pet!

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