Auto-Belay all day!
Climbing with your friends is fun. However, sometimes we find our selves harnessed up without a partner to climb with. For these times we have the handy wizardry of a device know as the Auto-Belay.

Cotey Green clipped in and ready to go
Throughout our gym we are now equipped with four Auto-Belay devices! One up in our kids climbing area for the little boulder smashers to get clipped in to, and three in our main climbing area to assist you to the top.
// What’s the benefit of an Auto-Belay system?
- The ability of top rope climbing without the need for a partner.
- The ability to incorporate top roping into training.
- Children at birthday parties will be able to climb even more!
// How do I do it?
- If you are unfamiliar with the Auto-Belay system, please ask an EVO Portland staff employee to give you a brief orientation before attempting to climb with it.
// How does it work?
- There are tiny, yet strong gnomes that live at the top of the wall catching you with a Gri-Gri. Just kidding, the Auto-Belay system basically works like the seat belt in your car. The webbing gets pulled up into its housing, and once it gets weighted by the climber it uses the climber’s own weight to create centrifugal force within the housing resulting in a smooth controlled descent. The Auto-Belay system also has a secondary braking system built in for redundancy.
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